Somewhere in the middle of Oregon.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mid-Winter Dilema....What To Do, What To Do

Winter always seems as though it drags on just a LITTLE bit longer than we would like it to. Though it's all very necessary....(tis' the cycle of the seasons) it tends to bring with it gray skys and sometimes gloomy days. And....with an enourmous amount of gloom surrounding us when we look outside, it's sometimes hard to be....well....not gloomy. Hence my tip of the day. Cheer up! Gloom is simply a state of mind, so the good news's not permanent.

Yes, winter limits the things one can do outside if you're looking at it from a summertime point of view. But.....try looking at if from a Winter standpoint. The number of winter activities probably far exceed what you might be thinking because you're focusing on the fact that you'd rather be laying on the beach, or gardening. Take a minute to look around the things Winter has to offer. Simple things like, taking pictures of the fresh fallen snow, or just playing in it can be BIG fun. The key to making it fun, is dressing for it. Put on your snow pants and coat and make a snow angel. If you're not a big fan of playing in the snow, you can always be in charge of making the hot cocoa for the after party. My daughter tells me that you can do anything in the Winter that you can do in the just have to where a coat! Even hitting an indoor swimming pool is an option. The point is, everything is relative in how you present it to yourself. In other words, if you're focusing on what you CAN'T do because it's not summer, then you may be looking past all of the possibilities of what you CAN do now that it's winter.

Winter is full of outdoor opportunities. TAKE THEM! Get out and hit the slopes, do some wildlife viewing, or even just go for a drive. Getting out doesn't mean you have to take up something new that you've never done before, or that you have to spend a lot of money. It can be anything that takes your mind off of the down side of Winter.
In short.....change the way you think, broaden your horizons, and look at it from an entirely different direction. You'll be amazed at how much better things sound.

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